
Crèchie Svithe


Today after church we drove down to Palo Alto for a well known crèche exhibit there. The reason we went was not to see the crèches per se, but to see Brian Kershinik's Nativity, which I had been reading so much about (here, for instance):

Brian Kershisnik's Nativity

I cannot adequately describe how powerful this painting is.
I though I knew it from reading and jpgs and miniature reproductions.
I was wrong.

It was worth the drive.
See it if it comes anywhere near you.
Sit in front of it, oh,
thirty minutes
at least.
Hours if you don't have a four-year-old with you.

As Thomas S. Monson has said, God left the pictures unpainted and the stories untold that we may know the joys and glories of creation. But not only that we may know the joys and glories of creating, but the joys and glories of witnessing other's creations as well.
    Through small and simple means

      or 136-square-foot canvases,

        Joy to the World

this svithe on thmusings
last week's svithe

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