
177.0 Svithetacular: Redux


For the first time, it appears no one was nuts enough to read my entire svithetacular. Ergo, here, one month later, I have combed it for things inside "s and pulled them out. The assumption being things within "s are worth pulling out. So you can read them and be filled. If that's possible without any context....

    Elder Jeffrey R Holland
      "Negative speaking so often flows from negative feeling. Including negative felling about ourselves."

    Elder Joseph B Wirthlin
      "Priesthood means service; bearing the priesthood, I will serve."

    Bishop Kevin B McMullin
      "you are in charge of your world"

    President Gordon B Hinckley
      "I regret that I am so old at a time when the world is so exciting."

    President James E Faust
      "This thing will destroy my family if we don't forgive."

    Elder Neil L Anderson
      "It's true isn't it? Then what else matters?"

    Elder Gary J Coleman
      "I am a devout Christian"

    Elder Dieter Uchtdorf
      "the divine and eternal operative principle of repentance"

this svithe on thmusings
last week's svithe

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