So this is an interesting conference, right? Everyone always says every conference is "historical", but this one actually might be: President Thomas S. Monson presides the first time as
President Thomas S. Monson and we get a new, perhaps historically significant apostle. Japanese perhaps. Or nine feet tall.
President Monson conducts.
"Lead Kindly Light"
Last night I had a fever and sweat through all the sheets and blankets and pillows and deep into the memory foam. Lady Steed's pretty mad at me. Especially because she didn't notice how soggy my side of the bed was until conference was starting.
We're listening on the computer in our bedroom. And now I need to put down the baby and help strip the bed.
Prayer time.
History--John Taylor's sustaining.
I don't remember this routine---how exciting!
[we all take turns standing and sustaining]
First Presidency sustains
[new apostle: D Todd Christopherson]
Quorum of the Twelve sustains
1&2 Qs of 70s and Pres Bishopric sustain
Area 70s, Ordained Patriarches, High Priests, Elders sustain
Aaronic Priesthood sustains
Relief Society sustains
Young Women sustain
Entire membership sustains
Other releasing and sustainings
Released: D Todd from 70pres
Released: 70s
Released: YW Gen Pres & Board
Sustained: L Whitney Clayton to 70pres
Sustained: 1st Q of 70, new guys
Sustained: Area 70s
Sustained: Elaine S Dalton as YW Prs and Counselors
Sustained: Everybody else as previously constituted
Seemed pretty unanimous.
Elder Russell M NelsonWelcome to the quorum, Todd.
The loss of Pr Hinckley---shift from grief to gratitude.
The Law of Common Consent
We are no more strnagers but fellow citizens with the saints . . . and built upon the foundations of aposltes and prophets, Jesus as cornerstone
To be saved or to gain salvation means to be saved from physical or spiritual death.
We'll all be saved from physical death.
To be exalted refers to the highest state of glory and happiness in the celestial realm, postmortality.
The time to prepare is now.
First, we need to hear and understand the gospel.
Ergo, missionary work
King who offered to mandate his people be baptized?
That's not agency!
Home: God's laboratory of love and service
If families fail, much of society will fail--economies, etc. To say nothing of eternal potential.
work and glory
eternal life a possibilty for all who;ve ever lived
(excuse typing, four-year-old on lap)
(taking photographs of typing)
which gift is the greatest of all the fidts pof GFod
Worthy women! Woot!
exaltation for BOTH of them
Never released from that calling "parent".
We must teach our children--and well--lots of bad stuff out there.
love unfeigned
increase of love
When a child needs correctin, what can I say or do that would persuade him to shoose a better way.
Show an increase of love promptly that seeds of resentment need not remain.
Do not try to control your children, try to _________ them. (missed it. Big O was talking).
What about grandparents and other ancestorys!
We need them!
Must be connected to our family.
But no fear--things can work out later.
As children of the covenant, highly favored.
Blessed are ye if ye continue in my goodness.
This life the time to prepare for salvation and exaltation.
Salvation: Individual matter
Exaltation: Family matter
We are all accountable.
The sacred titles of mother, father, daughter, son, grandmother, grandfather
Elder Ronald A RasbandAdding witness of the prophet.
Some experiences are heavy trials that test our ability to cope.
Can we learn to serve with greater empathy and love?
Gaining experience? For our own good.
As experiences accumulate they strengthen and support each other and strengthen our faith.
Ergo, is it any wonder that God chooses his senior apostle to become his prophet.
Remember when you first knew Joseph Smith was the prophet of the Restoration?
Remember when you accepted Moroni's challenge?
Remember when you had a prayer answered and felt God's love?
In Peru, near Lake Titicaca:
Floating islands. (!)
Delicious fish generously shared.
45m canoe ride to seminary and school.
Dedicating new island with Melchezedek Priesthood.
A new building block of experience for his building of faith.
building blocks of faith
Cheryl C Lant, Primary Gen presHer father had a beautiful ruby red ring; seems likely to become a tradition, father to son.
All families have traditions--some material, some with deep meaning.
Can be bad. Consider the Lamanites who could not have faith because of the traditions of their fathers.
What are we passing along? Are they good? Are the material or eternal? Are we consciously sculpting them, or are circumstances buffeting us?
Will our traditions make it easier or harder for our kids to follow the living prophets?
Mosiah 5:15---be steadfast and immovable always abounding in good works
Conversion is a firm belief in Jesus Christ as our Redeemer
family foundation
Papa passed on more than a ring--but also traiditions of faith and steadfastness.
that Christ may seal you his
We Can. (sounds familiar.....)
true and living prophet today, prepared and brought forth to lead the Lord's Church
as we become true and steadfast we will garner the blessings of heaven
Kenneth JohnsonWith knowledge of the great plan of happiness, responsibility to nhelp respond faith in the family.
I remember this guy. I really liked his talk a few years ago.
the source of intellectual capacity
through logic and learning, understanding is increased
one thing that becomes clear to the enlightened mind is that there are laws of balance
brings us to high levels of attainment
this also applies to ethical stnadards and moral values
Ergo, we need to protect the home
gaining an apprecition of the core values necessary for proper development
learned from parents
observing mother's devotion to family
example of my father
home's example of provident living and value of work
never be satisfied with anything less than your best efforts
Hooray for Pamela!
67 years of happy family life, first as a son, all the way to being a grandfather
oh, that these joys could be enjoyed by all!
the application of intellect
disciples of Christ learn by applying themselves to His words
impact undeniable
natural laws not determined by popularity, but reality
much like the spiritual laws of divine plan
marraige and family ordained of God
must hand down a foundation of faith in the family as defined by Deity
freedom and happiness is all life come by living in harmony with gospel principles
patiently pray
better than average General Conference Poem
Joseph B Wirthlin, apostleOF course we miss President Hinckley--we're all better people because of him--as the Church and the World.
But now a few words about our new First Presidency.
Monson a Might Man of Israel, foreordained to do this job.
Many of the lowly call him friend
His words and deeds show his respect for the -one-
Eyring and Uchtdorf great too.
Wirthlin called U as a stake pres in Frankfort.
we need to seek out those who are lostthose who slip away from the flock because they feel their differences keep them from fitting in
The Lord did not intend to people the world or his Church with a bunch of Stepfords that look talk and think alike--we're all different
He denies none who will come unto him
shouldn't make fun of people, guys---
we need more compassion for those different from us--would solve many of the world's problems
we've all felt tired or worried
even Jesus felt tired
we can't minimize other's trials--they may be so difficult to prepare
On! on! to victory.
to all you are weary: come unto me ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest
let us rely on that promise--the lord will support us with energy and vigor
we have all made mistakes, stumbled and fallen---only Q: how will we respond?
I'm missing every single joke. Kids, I swear.
the Lord KNEW we would make mistakes
that's what the Plan's all about--fixing them
come join the fold and consecrate your talents and abilities.
We cannot apologize for the truth.
test the doctrine--you may know if it comes of God or if we speak of ourselves
President Monson ejoys hearing from his brethren. Back when M was running Germany, U would call him midnight SL time--best time to reach M.
Pr H B EyringGod said he gave us power. That would still be true.
Only in the Church has the Lord lodged the power to seal on earth as well as on heaven.
When JS was killed, they thought the Church would die, but it was NOT in fact the creation of a mortal man. And it survived, even when some of the mortals in charge schmucked things up.
disobedience and lack of faith of early members led to the Apostacy
We seem to be doing a better job. Yay us!
Now it falls on us to ... don't know. It was probably important. Darn kids.
We need to keep the pledge we kept today to support the Lord's service.
Schould evaluate our depth of faith in the True Church.
How committed are we to keeping the commandments.
Always remember the Savior and try ever-harder to keep the commandments.
When the Lord returns, the world will be spiritually prepared for him. This should motivate us.
the power and faith of the memembers of the church to sustain those who have been called
Pr M will be blessed by our sustaining faith
As will his family
We and they also sustained by God
sustaining through service
through the church and its ordinances, the sealing power which reaches into the eternal world
the faith to find the names of our ancestors and bring them to the temple
true and living church
how are we being prepared for HIS return?
the cleansing power through priesthood ordinances
family survives the difficulties of geography and death and lack of opportunity in this life
greatest joys in this life center in famileis--as is so in the worlds to come
eternal glory
power and authority given that they might speak
retention retention retention
every member a missionary
as a person becomes truly converted, they will range across the earth in service
giving seems unaffected by whether economic times are well or ill
his witness: God will answer your prayers and give you a match
*He* lives, he knows
UPDATE: Between sessions, we took off all the bedding and the memory pad and the mattress was wet too. Lady Steed says drink more water, Theric.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf conducting.
A coed BYU choir: "The Morning Breaks."
Prayer by Gary Coleman of the 70. I kid you not.
Church Ball was a life-changing experience.....
Now they'll sing . . . "Lean Lean on my Ample Arm"?
AuditorPhew. Everything checked out.
FP Secretary (as of today, also a 70)AS of Dec 31, 2007
stakes 2790
missions 348
districts" 618
wards/brs: 27827
members: 13193999
increase of Chidlren of rec
converts bapt 279x18
missioanries 52686
temples: a rededication
toptal temples operatingh: 124
died: GB Hinckley
JE Faust
Einice Bernice Hunter (pr Hunter's widow)
Ruth W Fause (Fausts's wife)
Neuenschwardner (wife of)
Kay (wife of a Kay
Cannon (former RS gen couns
Warner (of SS Gen PR)
That was hard.
Elder Dallin H OaksA testimony comes from the Holy Ghost; is of true things. Eg, the Godhead and our relationship thereof.
Testimony not travelogue, healthlog, sermon, expression of love for family, preaching to others, etc.
Say I know that; visitor wonders What does that 'know' mean?
A young man or woman: is testimony mission-ready?
How does a testimony help others?
What do we mean when we say we know? Contrast with I know it's cold or Lady Steed is super sexy?
Scientifically proved? Nah.
Not all important knowledge scientifically proved.
JC: Blessed art though: for flesh hath not revelaed it but my father which art in heaven.
We know the things of man by the ways of man.
The things of God by the ways of God.
The natural man can only hack the latter.
Revealed knowledge not from books or testtubes of intellectual pondering.
JS, while persecuted for Vision, compared himself to Paul and said: his vision was still real, he knew it and no amount of persecuation could change it--so with JS; I knew it, God knew it. I could not deny it, nor dared I.
That was JS's testimony. How about us?
How do we gain a testimony?
If we shall ask, we shall receive---knowledge upon knowledge etc.
Jesus: if any man will do His will, they shall know
Also (not like methods for other knowledge): gained by bearing it
Someone suggested that better than the prayer half of the equation
Also: we need the sacrament (to always have his spirit to be with us)
We need to share our testimonies.
Gift of testimony = duty to bear it.
Spiritual gifts: to some it is given to know; to others it is given to believe on their words that they might also have eternal life
Those with the gift to know have the duty to bear that others might exercise their gift and have eternal life.
Must share with honest seekers.
Valiant in the testimony of Jesus!
Our children must hear us bear our testimonies frequently.
Our time: some misrepresent our believes and say mean things.
At such times, we have a duty to speak out in clarification.
We should be the ones to state our beliefs.
Speak in mildness and in meekness.
Never overbearing or shrill or reviling.
Speaking the truth in love.
Anyone can disagree; no one can refute.
Yeah yeah yeah we have leaders. But when it comes to testimony, it's between us and God and the Holy Ghost.
That's what our critics don't understand: how we follow our leaders yet independent in what we understand.
We all have two chanels to God: a Channel of Governance (church stuff)
Also: Channel of Personal Testimony (direct to God)
(see details in official transcription to be available at the Church's website soon!)
obedience enhances knowledge
We all act on knowledge of all sorts.
This is not blind action. No matter the type of knowledge.
We must avoid arrogance or pride in our bearing of testimony. Always.
That's abominable!!! --Jacob
Now, his testimony. He knows we have a HF whose plan brings us to Earth and on ourto our destiny. He knows Jesus Christ and what he did. They two appeared to JS. I know today we're led by a prophet, TSM.
Robert D Hales (12)
I, like you, appreciated the participation in the solemn assembly. But! Here's a bit of doctrine and help: it wasn't a vote. It was a commitment--a covenant.
Glad I had that chance.
Atonement real.
Articles of Faith
We believe in God the Eternal Father and in his son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost.
JS knew: he wanted to know which church to join.
James: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God"
And so he did. And he was visited and taught and thus it was.
Behold my Beloved Son: Hear ye him.
I have finished the work though gavest me to do.
Glory shared with the disciples.
They became *one*.
In Gethsemene, in preparation, Jesus prayed for strength to do his Father's work.
Contemplate the love the Father has for his Son, and for all of us.
He is the Holy One of Israel who came to take away the sins of the world, and He will come again.
revealed according to our obedience and desires
whatsoever ye shall ask in [Jesus] name believing it is right and it is and believing ye shall receive, ye shall obtain.
Gerald N Lund (70)(He was the stake president of the stake Lady Steed and I met in. I don't think I ever met him though. Also, I've never read Work and the Glory. Please don't tell him.)
Erecting fences around our hearts. (Hey....that's from MY book!)
What about the gateways in. Specifically, the gateway for the Holy Ghost?
Will we allow him in?
Consider: agency is so sacred, God will never force his way in; we are the gatekeepers of our own hearts and must, of our own free will, open up our hearts and let the Holy Ghost in
Pure in Heart (untainted) a definite qualification
Behold there are many called, but few chosen. Why? Their hearts set on the things of this world.
Don't grieve the spirit!
Be thou humble and the Lord thy God will lead thee and give thee answers to thy prayers.
"ere he is aware he is left to himself"
Don't let this happen to you!
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Carlos Amado (70)[sorry--diaper EMERGENCY]
something about perished meat?
we as a church must feed the hungry etc
with fast offerings, we can make this happen
when we have natural disasters (ours upcoming any day now) we help those of all faiths --- by commandment of the Lord: to bless all
we are allowed to exercise our agency even when we consistently blow it
Christ will not force us to do right, but he WILL show us the way
he requires that we demonstrate a change
as we think of the needs of others, we can develop the virtues the Savior has
When ye are in the service of your fellow beings....
Plus, that's how you come to understand God
sacrificing all you have....
service opportunities for all
William Walker (70)[I was just thinking--is it an irony that once 70s hit 70 they can't be 70s anymore?]
photo of the First Presidency (GAS, JRCj, DOMcK) at the grandparents' home -- the effect it had on him
displayed so that all who entered would see it
later, he equated that photo to Joshua: choose ye this day, but as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord
what's the significance of 3, rather than just 1 president?
a man must be called of God by prophecy and the laying on of hands
the proper order of presidents -- 3 presiding High Priests make the Quorum of the Presidency of the Church -- a quorum of three presidents, the presidency of the Lord's Church
Not the normal world way -- but how the Lord organized his Church
my ways are not your ways....
When George Albert Smith died, G&G changed the photo to DOmcK and his counselors.
The First Presidency is a pattern to look to as we strive to run things properly in all leadership roles
Counselors are there for a purpose -- GBH
GBH: He had each counselor present at each meeting and decide together ; you can't be a one-man show in a presidency ; counselors are wonderful -- they save you from many errors
in Presidencies, we should work and discuss until we are all unanimous and decided together
the Lord's pattern
wisdom and strength will follow us as we follow the FP's example
this is the work of the lord JC and we are led by prophets and apostles, with TSma nd his counselors atop
Elder Richard G Scott (12)solemn witness of his deep love for TSM and how much RGS trusts him and will do whatever he asks
message of healing for those who have been abused, who have suffered through others' unrighteous acts, victims
resolving the tragedy of abuse
the rising tide thereof -- even if it hasn't touched you personally, may well have touched someone you love
goal is to heal, not to aggravate painful memories
we have agency; which God knew some would abuse
since God is just, there must be away to overcome the effects of such abuse
when combined with pure repentance, even the perpetrator may be healed
through the Atonement, the victims can be fully healed
story of a girl who forgave her father and tried to find healing for her father
obedience to the laws
Satan is the author of all the destructive outcomes of abuse
[DISCLAIMER: Svithetaculars are done on the fly; one should always look up the actual talks at for the actual texts and to assure I haven't made any gross errors]
these abuses can affect your life powerfully, BUT THEY ARE NOT YOU -- that is what Satan would have you believe
Satan also would have you abandon God and healing--or have you believe He has abandoned you
Jesus Christ died to provide that healing
Jesus Christ died to provide that healing
Jesus Christ died to provide that healing
don't discount professional help as well as ecclesiastical, but never forget: TRUE HEALING COMES IN CHRIST
slow the steps to your capacity
get help now; do not fear (fear is a tool of suffering); the Lord will help you, but you must reach out
Abusers can create an outer appearance of piety, but persevere.
All sinners will be help accountable. Fear not.
Now. You abusers. You need help. Now. You will not overcome this alone. Seek to be rescued. NOW!
You may have deceived yourself that you've hidden your transgressions, but know: Jesus knows. Even if the victim never tells. And all will know. Satan always exposes and abandons.
Now words for church leaders who will handle these situations.
Rest assured, all of you, the Lord will help you.
Elder L Tom Perry (12)boldness
Five Ingredients of the Gospel:
1. Goal - bring immortality and eternal life
the duty of missionaries is to invite others to come unto Christ
(repentence, baptism, HG, endurance, etc)
pictures in cookbooks important because they let us know the correct outcime
important to begin with an end in mind
the picture's end only possible if directions followed correctly
otherwise, too bad
although the picture could serve as motivation to try try again
what is the picture of eternal life?
if we had it, we would immediately begin to behave differently
(ht/vt, church attendence, temple worship, etc)
missionaries are to help others find faith in JC
if we have faith in JC we accept the Atonement
JC: the gospel is that I came into the world to do the will of my Father
you are to repentence, baptism, HG, endurance, etc
cry unto him for he is mighty to safe
a broken heart and a contrite spirit?
then baptized with fire and the Holy Ghost
a cleansing process
to receive the Holy Ghost (for those cleansed from the sins of the world)
baptism cleanses, sure, but also Illuminates the Soul
water baptism begins that process
spirit baptism completes it
a gate and a binding covenant
And pass the ammunition!
from a watery gave to a newness in Christ
maintain faith always! pray! fast!
(sorry about the lousily transcribed recipe --- look it up)
follow the recipe of the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Rather than taking the time to transcribe my notes this time, I just tried to write extra neat. Then I scanned and uploaded to
Photobucket, which then shrunk them some. I still find them to be remarkably legible as a whole, however.
Roll over to see who was talking at the time, then click any to enlarge (it'll open in a new window).












You know, I don't really know if that saved any time?
I have no idea what's going on. The choir's singing; President Monson's conducting; who's speaking I know not.
Even feverless I sweat through everything last night (LS
hates me now) and so Lady Steed stripped the bed and threw it all in the washer. Then she got in the shower. Then the washer started thumping violently and Large S spilled the Big O's breakfast all over and I was running around madhouse and, well, if speakers have been announced, I know not.
I was going to try the new beta video streamer, but it skips too. I suppose I can blame that on DSL. So we're doing this audio-only again.
Phew. We're okay:
Pr UchtdorfHow happy to be, like you, a memeber of this church, one of you.
His call is teaching him humility gratitude and faith.
We neither seek nor decline callings.
When Fred Williams called to be a counselor to Joseph Smith, he was .... told stuff.
A few words on Pr Monson
Once in Hamburg, together, Pr Monson asked about a German Saint -- who was ill -- so they went to see him.
Pr Monson had just had a painful foot sugery and had to climb five flights to see him
(we just lost audio for most of a minute)
Monson's vision broad enough for all, but still focused on individuals.
He went about doing good.
We come from all walks of life and all cultures.
(large s is on hi-destuct mode today)
related to Martin Luther
respect him too
also, 11th article of faith
"faith of our fathers" can mean many things -- many possible faiths
What is that? Our grandpas' religion?
What of our more distant ancestors?
Our Father in Heaven?
This faith--God desires that all receive it
True religion doesn't arise from what pleases people or matches tradition
True religion is what pleases God
We invite all to taste of his doctrine and see if it is not good and sweet and precious, and then ask God and see if it is not true.
And faith will make you whole
This is our message to the world.
D Todd ChristoffersonJust think -- 15 years ago I thought I knew what it meant to feel inadequate.
His parents, the great foundational blessing of his life.
Richard G Scott was one of his mission presidents.
(I've been off changing diapers, but from what I've heard, I think he's been talking about the cleansing power of the Atonement)
Jesus has had no more devoted friend than Joseph Smith
Sheldon F Child of the 70Raised the calf -- then, loving it and wanting the money.
Result: 20 silver dollars. Woot!
Two for tithing was tough.
But man did it feel good.
There are laws irrevocably decreed in heaven, and all belssing flow from obedience to those laws.
the leap of faith to pay tithing -- doing so allows the testifying of the windows of heaven opening
breadfruit from heaven
cyclical economies? sure. but always tithng first. along with wisdom and judgment
HJG: if you're honest with the Lord ... (audio cut out again)
people were struggling (somewhere) and Widstoe told them to pay tithing
the West African lady's tithing story and her great material success -- but the greatest blessing is that my children love the lord
This is the great blessing of paying a full tithe: access to sacred temple ordinances.
tithing: the best investment you will ever make
(we've lost audio again in the song)
Sister Tanner, released YWpres(Sister Tanner visited our ward a couple months ago (she's a former member thereof); only the YW really spoke with her--them and old friends)
(No audio -- modem's on the blink)
Pr BK Packer(shut down, restart, shutdown, restart, vacuum, unplug, replug, clean, detach, retach.....)
something about being an apostle
(we took this opportunity to switch mouses and I have to say: I like wireless. No if I just had a wireless keyboard, I could type in (the soaked) bed)
This is a really interesting rendition of Hie to Kolob. Not sure I like it....
President Monson(uhoh -- audio just went)
(modem's out again)
(oh it's back! and we did nothing!)
in mememoriam gbh
recounting the method of succession
he knows god lives and this is his work
the sweetest experience is to feel his promptings
we can all feel the lord's inspiration
trials and heartaches along the way
(leaving Scotland, you see)
orphans, journey
(large s picking my nose)
(hard to type)
come back and taste the sweet fruits!
come back
Come Unto Me
whatsoever things are true honest just pure true lovely good report, think on these things
show kindness and respect to all
the world is diverse
also kindness and love in our families
the storm must stop at our door
kindness and peace reign
waging a war against sin we will win -- we've been given the tools and are led by God who loves us each one
surrounded by the pain of broken hearts
the distorted prism of pessimism
feeling thus?
turn to our HF in faith
he will comfort you in love
"I pledge my life my strength and all I have to offer in serving him...."
What is this organ music they play before picking up the feed of every session--?
conducting from President Uchtdorf
(no conducting from Eyring? I wonder why? He didn't seem ill....)
Another interesting arrangement -- this one of Called to Serve -- I like this one.
Elder Holland of the 12As the first to speak since your singular message this morning, may I just say that of all the priveleges over this conference we have all had, I cannot help but feel that the most important was to witness personally the settling of the sacred prophetic mantle upon your shoulders -- almost as it were by the angels.
(Incidentally, I certainly did feel that this morning. On paper it may seem like any Monson talk, but there was something astonishing about it, the way the message came into me. So amen, Brother Holland.)
So! There are two reasons people accuse us of not being Christians. The Godhead thing and the open canon of scripture. Let's talk about the second.
Many -- oft because they love the Bible -- claim there can be no more revelation or scripture or divine expression. Like the BofM and the D&C and today's messages. For instance.
We reject this unscriptural description of Christianity.
That scripture in Revelation.
(which [obviously] only applies to Revelation)
But! Here's a simpler answer: the Bible as we know it did not exist when that verse was written.
Interesting facts about Greek NTs.
Seriously though, if one revelation in time is sufficient for that time and all time, why more scripture ever? Why not stop at Moses?
Continuing revelation does not demean or discredit existing revelation. Never has.
Were early Christians offended by the emergence of the Gospel of John? Hard to imagine.
(it occurs to me that the svithetacular would be a good use for twitter....)
The Bible alone---the only thing 1830s churches had in common was belief in the Bible. Yet....battleground.
one of the great purposes of continuing revelation is to teach that the bible (etc) is true -- that you may believe "that" (the bible)
We build up the Bible.
scripture points AWAY from itself and gives authority to GOD
scriptures, therefore, are not the source of authority
that is the Living God
that is where we must look
this doctrine is at our heart
it dramatizes the sustaining of yesterday
we believe in a God who is engaged in our lives
we believe all god has revealed does reveal will reveal
we pray never to be insensitive or arrogant
let all inquire of him
he spoke then
he speaks now
Quoting Ralph Waldo: teach that God IS not WAS, that he SPEAKETH not SPAKE
(great talk, that -- look it up -- I'll bet it's in WikiCommons)
so: Thomas S Monson has the mantle upon him now, to be the prophet to this Earth
we invite all the examine what we have received of God
drink deeply at the well of eternal, flowing water
God lives
he loves us
he speaks
Thanks, God!
Elder Bednar of the 12Today: the principle of asking in faith in meaningful prayer
prayer is essential, yes, we know; but is it reflected in what we do?
classic example is Joseph Smith's prayer prior to the First Vision
"ask in faith, nothing wavering"
faith: to ask and to do / communicate and act
JS asked not just what to know but also what to do
asking in accord with good principles is an essential part of faith
faith is not just belief but a power to action
faith in Christ leads to righteous action
understanding faith as a principle of action (good)
we are agents unto ourselves
how we doin'?
asking requires belief and work
work needed to receive answers
and the highest of blessings
"the consecrated work of prayer" continues after we say AMEN
we commonly pray for the missionaries to find prepared people
BUT: are we preparing people for the missioanries to teach?
missionaries are full-time teachers
we are full-time finders
we should not pray for the missionaries to do our work
holy comunication + consecrated work ---} to be applied also to prayers for the needy, the lonely, the lost, et cetera
as we do so, doors will open
we will be blessed to recognize the opportunities
and will be able to act
sick boy, travelling, continuing to pray, "Lord, increase our faith"
dispute not because you see not for you receive no witness until the trial of your faith
mighty miracles occur postfaith (so to speak)
accomplished according to faith
recognizing the will of God in our lives
fortified with understanding trust
let thy will be done
just one last time.....
and then she was gone
discerning the will of God in our lives is a fundemental part of prayer
just saying thy-will-be-done not enough
we must actively seek to align our will with God's
sort of like Jesus did
in Gethsemene
let that be our example
that we follow
day by day
and every day
prayers are not wishlists, but for blessings God is eager to give
ergo, blessings may not arrive or arrive as expected
what do we know?
Well. That's something to work on.
Not my will, but thine be done.
Elder Craig (Greg?) Swick (?) of the 70(he sounds really old)
JS persecuted for telling the truth, ridicule as a weapon.
Oh, how little things change. Heh.
Ethan, little boy, he's getting all sorts of problems in all sorts of directions. Anxiety . . . fear of rejection . . . common among teenagers. Ethan feels bombarded.
He asked: "Mom, do I need to lower my standards to keep my friends?"
a profound question for each of us
how are we answering?
Mom answered no.
Swick says, Don't do it, Ethan! Don't stand down! You can do it! Sometimes you may be alone, but not always. Pray for guidance and protection from the Lord. He will sustain you and become a trusted friend. And your example will attract good friends.
the great and spacious building
mocking and pointing
Maxwell: the laughter of the world is just loneliness trying to reassure itself
Packer: however out of step we seem, we will not cannot yield
do we recognize well-camoflaged temptation?
God has not given us the spirit of fear
be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord
consider Abinidi -- who could have saved himself
but would not recall the truth (in the sense of "take back", not "remember")
as we follow him, we will be able to make and keep sacred covenants
fear not little flock, let earth and hell fight but they cannot prevail
we must fortify ourselves
that fortification found in: JESUS CHRIST
Elder . . . Starr?amazing power in a flashlight!!!!!
circles of light!
cones of light!
glowing hand!
Now consider SPIRITUAL light!
(betcha didn't see that one coming!)
Spiritual light must burn within us?
learn true doctrine
gain pure testimony
live the gospel courageously
let's try the virtue of the word of god
the word of god, the words of Christ, words through His prophets
1832: the light of Christ: from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space: the law by which all things are governed (did I get all that right?)
that light can inspire all folks in all walks to do great things
light as a mediator? I need to read up on new photoresearch....
obtain knowledge by study and by faith
we can learn of God through our physical senses, but spiritual seeking with real intent is even better
SWK: these are 'hidden' knowledges -- but only hidden from those who do not properly seek
the joy of the Saints
MRBallard: a clear declaration of truth makes the difference, changes hearts
we all have to accept the consequences of our actions
ask a child
he that receiveth light and continueth in God receiveth more and more
but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord
and my temple's but twenty or so minutes away
as we live in harmony with the truth taught we will see more clearly our eternal destiny
Elder Dennis Neuenschwandderrrr (sp)in Luke, a woman with a bleeding condition for years and years and years
she touched Jesus's garment
Hey--who touched me?
What do you mean, boss?
Um. It was me?
Go in peace: thy faith hath made thee whole.
Think of the crowd. What were -they- doing there? Curiosity? To mock?
Then there was this woman. Outwardly, she looked the same. But there was something that set her apart from the rest of the crowd. Though buried in the mass, she pressed forward with the purpose in faith to be healed by the Savior.
In this one thing she set herself apart: they came to see, she came to be healed.
Other examples:
Alma, alone among the priests of King Noah -- an evil crowd indeed -- yet one belived
with courage he walked into righteousness and changed much
crowd: great and spacious building, mocking and pointing at the partakers
some listened and fell away
others paid no heed
they enjoyed the full blessings of the Tree of Life
these stories not about crowds but about the individuals among them
they are about you and me
new members in new lands like Alma
the courage to accept the gospel alone
but we all know what it means to partake and pay no heed all alone
to some degree
who better than the Savior to save the one among the crowd?
he knows well how that feels
he had no beauty, as it has been said
despised, rejected of men, a man of sorrows, despised, esteemed not, stricken, afflicted
the world, because of iniquity, shall judge him as a thing of naught
yet he emerges from the crowd as the Anointed One
the stone the builders rejected become the head of the corner
in all of life's circumstances, let us press on
Elder Lance B WickmanWhat?
return to Vietnam
these days a useful vibrant population
peace! new growth!
yesterday was gone! today was there! the future coming!
weeping may endure for the night, but brightness brings the morrow
Palm Sunday 42 years ago.
Please sir, they can't kill a tough old bird like me.
yet that very day he was killed
Mortality is so fragile. The worlds so close, one heartbeat away.
Death a curtain through which we all must pass.
Of all the challenges we face, perhaps the greatest is that mortality is eternal.
That we have as long as we can imagine.
The day of THIS LIFE is the day for men to perform their labors.
Do not procrastinate your labors until the end.
When you die, that same spirit will possess you.
THE DAY of this life
life but a shortlived vapour
thankfully, we do have today
So he was right to -- he could not be killed -- we are immortal. But will we live with God? That is a very different question.
THE DAY of this life
repent and share
repent and share
cross the threshold of this life into eternity
TODAY is the day to forgive others their trespasses
In the end, repenting and forgiving are among God's chief requirements of us.
Thank you, Redeemer of Easter Morning. For giving us tomorrow if we but seize today.
(nice talk)
Elder craig/greg (i forget the last name--darn first name!)Prophets speak as they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost, which is then scripture and the power of God unto salvation.
The benefit of living scriptures.
As well as canonized scriptures
Nephi loved the darn things.
Scriptures bring us to believe in God.
Why do we need additional witnesses of Christ?
What do you think?
Well, so many versions from the Bible, we may need clarifications.
Mm. Good. Let's move from there.
BofM is a book with a promise. A book of scriptural significance which should be read under the influence of the Holy Ghost. In both Moroni and the intro, all are invited to read and ponder and the ask God the Eternal Father if the book is true. Do so in faith and you will gain a testimony via the HG.
(fascinating to me, incidentally, how often I read other Christians saying that claim of divine access is proof we are not of God. love how they can dictate to whom God may speak; very sweet of them; must save divinity lots of time)
great doctrines therein
perfect brightness of hope
love of god and of all men
the book testifies that jesus is the christ, the savior of the world (all of it)
BofM prophets knew him as have all of them
BofM is tangible evidence of JS's holy call
And that Jesus is the Savior of the World
(those things all go together)
Elder Ballardafter his wife's surgery, his back has been undergoing some abuse bending and twisting where his wife used to bend and twist
so: women are awesome
today: young mothers
he was bishop for ten years; they had 6 of 7 kids during that time
then he was released to sit with his family
then the mothers went up to sing
alone with the kids
handpuppets on both hnads
not working
cheerio escape
no luck with coloring books
meanwhile, Barbara watched and smiled
he then learned to better appreciate what mothers manage
no role more essential or eternal than motherhood
no one way to be a perfect mother
a kid's 18 years at home only a fourth of a parents' life
their earliest years, only a tenth of their own
we haven't much time
the full commitment of motherhood and putting children first is not easy
often husbands have no idea of the demands made upon them
stupid husbands
(no offense, husbands!)
simple things can make a mother's life more rewarding
What can you do to release the pressure?
recognize that the joys come in moments
(LS adds: and a dishwasher -- duly noted)
live in the moment -- that will be clearer when the moment is gone
on a quilt on the grass in the shade on a summer day -- do you remember? the details?
why rush on to the next thing? treasure the now
doing over getting done
don't overschedule you or the kids
find time for yourself -- your own gifts and interests -- things you would like to learn or do -- then LEARN OR DO THEM
cannot draw water from an empty well
avoid substance abuse
(I think he means Red Bull)
soap operas and mindless surfing -- not the best hobbies (mindnumbing)
pray deeply
to the eternal parent of us all
we are steward parents over thy children, Father
what more can a husband do?
(LS: get her a dishwasher)
(I think she means it)
talk with her about each child and what I can do to help
give her a day away now and then
(also increases appreciation - for lifting twisting bending)
come home and BE HOME
what can kids -- even little kids --
pick up toys
do dishes
say thank you
say I love you
what can the Church do to help mothers?
there's lots but:
let the bishopric and ward counsel be careful of asking too much of young mothers and their families at this time in their lives
by small and simple things are great things brought to pass
never wonder if you have worth in the sight of the Lord
we appreciate your influence
(this chair's way too uncomfortable for eight hours of this)
prepare together now to be together through all eternity
find joy and happiness in your sacred roles as daughters of God
additional witness of Pr Monson's prophetic call -- he's known him for 58 years and has witnessed his preparation all this while -- also: Jesus is the Christ, this is his Church and we are doing his work
(was that really all the apostles? I don't remember Nelson.... Was anyone taking notes?)
President Thomas S. Monson of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsI've been attending conferences quite a long time. But I don't think I've ever felt quite as blessed as at this session. A smorgasboard of faith and love and counsel. Let's incorporate it in our lives.
Hey, Ballard!: My wife left a note:
Dear kids, don't let Daddy touch the microwave or the stove or the dishwasher or the drier
---I'm embarrassed to add any more to that list.
His father's father from Sweden, married then happy. Then, in two weeks, sent alone to Sweden for two years. Can you imagine?
His journal, mostly, "My feet are wet."
But also a tell of the Jansen sister who paid a tithing beyond.
Wait--- I need to see that in print. I didn't follow that genealogy.
LS: His father-in-law taught by his grandfather. Yes? We think so.
(almost lost audio again)
funny story -- look it up
His wife had a bad fall earlier this year, in a coma 27 days, he sat by her, she never moved. The whole family cried. I'm almost crying.
Then, she opened her eyes. He kissed her. And hugged her.
You're back, I love you.
I forgot to pay the taxes.
Let's treat our wives with dignity and respect.
a fine conference
I have felt you prayers and sustaining vote
We are shifted to the Savior.
Show love to your children.
Make sure they know you love them.
Let them know.
Call upon HF for help each day.
Parenthood has endless challenges.
Young folks!
Good job!
You temple attenders -- go often -- good for your marriages and families
I pray for you; pray for me; together we will reap the blessings God has in store for us.
This work is true.
So is it just me? Could you tell that President Monson was truly different today? He is in a different role and he has been made different to have that work. This is true and this is real. He is the prophet of God upon the earth. We are so blessed.
Let us pray for him. Let us return to Christ. Let us repent and forgive and endure.
Oh. And:
Happy Birthday, Jesus!See you in sixmonths, svithetaculars!
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